Section 504
East Haddam Public Schools does not discriminate based on disability. Students found eligible under Section 504 are entitled to protections from disability and may be entitled to an accommodation plan often called a 504 plan. This plan ensures that a child with a disability is provided with equitable access to our school programs, so they receive a free, appropriate public education.
To qualify for a 504 plan, a student must have a documented disability (often a note or report from a doctor is used for this) that impacts a major life activity. Accommodations are provided to address the needs the student has because of the identified disability(ies) within the school environment. A team, including your child’s teachers, administrators, other school staff, and you as parent/guardian meet to review information, determine eligibility, and, if eligible and needed, develop an accommodation plan. The team meets at least annually to review your child’s needs and make any necessary changes.
School staff are obligated to make a referral to Section 504 if they are aware of a disability or suspect a child of having a disability.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Section 504, please contact your child’s principal or Joshua Martin, director of Pupil Services.