Board of Education
The East Haddam Public Schools Board of Education is comprised of nine board members elected bi-annually for six-year terms. Members freely dedicate their time and energy to serving our school community and make every decision with only the best interests of the students in mind.
We hold our meetings on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office Complex, Conference Room 1 and 2 unless otherwise noted. We also offer live streaming of these events on YouTube.
Audience of Citizens
The communications and audience of citizens is an opportunity for the citizens of East Haddam to briefly and respectfully express their thoughts, concerns, and questions to the board. Any written comments/materials must be given to the board chairman and may be distributed at a later time only after comprehensive review. The chair may halt public comment at any time if the comments include specific or otherwise personally identifiable references to board employees and/or students. No discussion occurs during this portion of the meeting. The chair or his designee will respond to all questions in a timely and appropriate manner at a later date.
The East Haddam Board of Education maintains three subcommittees to oversee business related to district operations, instructional policy, and personnel negotiations. The chairman of the board may assign Ad Hoc committees on an as-needed basis. Please check the district calendar for times and locations.
Business & Planning
This subcommittee oversees district operations in regard to finance, facilities, district planning, transportation, and communication.
Policy & Instruction
This subcommittee oversees our curriculum and policies regarding student achievement and academics as well as athletics and extracurricular activities.
Personnel & Negotiations
This subcommittee typically meets annually to oversee personnel changes and negotiations.
Meet Our Board Members
Subcommittee Members
Business and Planning Committee
Keira Thompson, Chair
Thea Jansky
Sean Morrissey
Laurel White
Personnel and Negotiations Committee
Laurel White, Chair
Thea Jansky
Sean Morrissey
Keira Thompson
Policy and Instruction Committee
Jim Francese, Chair
Jacqui Endorf
Terri Garrity
Sean Morrissey