Business Services
As a public school district, we are fiscally responsible to our community now more than ever. If you have any questions or concerns about our school budget, M&O budget, or how our district allocates funds for various activities and programs, feel free to send us an email. We encourage you to view our district annual financial report as well as the other documents provided on this page.
Board of Education Budget Timeline

Description of Board of Education Budget Timeline Flyer
Education Budget Process
September – October 01 School/Department Based: Admin gather requests from teachers/staff and build a proposed budget at their school/department level.
October – December 02 Superintendent: Superintendent reviews department budget requests. Devises full proposed education operating budget.
January – February 03 Subcommittee: Business and Planning review the Superintendents proposed budget and makes a recommendation to the full BOE.
March 04 Board of Education: BOE reviews and adopts a final proposed operating budget to present to the Board of Finance.
April – May 05 Board of Finance: Board of Finance reviews all town budgets and adopts a final full town-wide budget to go to Referendum for public vote.
2024–2025 Board of Education Budget
The 2024–2025 budget passed at referendum. Thank you to all who came out to support our schools.
On February 14, 2024, at the regular meeting of the board of education, the board voted to approve the following proposed budget for the 2024–2025 school year. The next step in the process is for this budget to be reviewed by the board of finance on March 11, 2024, at their regular meeting. On March 27, 2024, The Board of Finance set the proposed town 2024–2025 Fiscal Year Budget to go to public hearing on April 16, 2024. In this budget, the Board of Education Operating Budget was reduced by $240,000. The BOE has not determined which line items will be affected by this reduction at this time. Please see the revised Board of Education Proposed 2024–2025 SY budget in the link below.
Please feel free to reach out to Dr. DeBrito or Ms. Hughson at the central office if you have any questions regarding the budget or it’s process.
Please see the links below for all the presentations regarding the budget.
- Superintendent Presentation to the BOE
- System-Wide Presentation
- Special Education Presentation
- Elementary School Presentation
- Middle School Presentation
- High School Presentation
- Tri Board Presentation
To view any board of education meetings on YouTube, please click on the link below:
Capital Improvements Building Projects
Capital Improvements Building Projects Committee (CIP) is a Town of East Haddam committee charged with overseeing school building projects. The committee meets on an as-needed basis and occasionally has open seats that are filled by the Board of Selectmen. You can see our upcoming meeting agendas on our Board of Education page. Currently, the CIP board provides oversight for the following building projects:
- District Wide HVAC Study
- Nathan Hale-Ray High School Athletics Complex
- East Haddam Elementary School Exterior Renovation
Capital Improvements Committee
Joseph Spurgeon, Chairman
Keira Thompson, BOE Representative
Deborah Fiala
Alyson Karpiej
Todd Moss